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Jun 25, 2017

#1 - How to Set Your Prorities

Passage: Exodus 20:1-3

Preacher: Pastor Tim W. Young

Series: Ten Commandments - Ten Steps to the Good Life

Category: Exodus


Main Text - Exodus 20:1-3; OT Reading from the Westminster Larger Catechism - WCF 103, WCF 104, WCF 105, WCF 106; NT Reading - Mark 10:17-27 -- Gathering Songs - "For the Cause"; Call to Worship Hymn - Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord (NTH #19); Opening Hymn - Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim (NTH #12); Hymn of Preparation - “Behold Our God”; Closing Hymn -- Before Jehovah’s Awesome Throne (NTH #65) - NTH = New Trinity Hymnal; The Westminster Larger Catechism questions 103, 104, 105, 106 follow the Sermon Notes. Also see http://www.reformed.org/documents/wlc_w_proofs/ - http://www.paullytle.com/WLC/index.html


Ten Steps to the Good Life

#1 – How to Set Your Priorities

Exodus 20:1-3 And God spoke all these words, saying, 2  “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3  “You shall have no other gods before me.


The First Step to the “Good Life” Is to Get Your Priorities Right


  1. You Do Have Priorities


               Priorities are…



               A “god” is…



  1. You Do Find Time for Your Priorities


               If you can’t find time for it…


                              Matthew 6:19-21


               You can find your “gods” by…






               The Big Question Is…



  1. You Won’t Enjoy the Good Life Unless Your Priorities are God’s Priorities




                              Exodus 20:2




                              Exodus 20:3




                              Mark 10:17-22




                              Here is Grace… Mark 10:27


                              Here is the Good Life…


The Westminster Larger Catechism

http://www.paullytle.com/WLC/index.html  with proofs from the ESV


  1. 103. What is the first commandment?
  2. The first commandment is: You shall have no other gods before me.


  1. 104. What does the first commandment require?
  2. The first commandment requires us to know and recognize God as the only true God and our God1 and to worship and glorify him as such2 by valuing,3 meditating on,4 remembering,5 highly regarding,6 honoring,7 adoring,8 preferring,9 loving,10 desiring,11 fearing,12 believing,13 trusting,14 hoping,15 delighting,16 and rejoicing in him.17 We must also be zealous for18 and call on him, giving him all praise and thanks,19 completely obeying and submitting to him in our whole person.20 Finally, we must walk humbly with him,21 being careful to please him in everything we say and do22 and being genuinely sorry when we offend him.


  1. 105. What particular sins does the first commandment forbid?
  2. The first commandment forbids: atheism, denying or not believing in God;1 idolatry, believing in or worshiping any other gods along with or other than the one true God;2 not having and affirming him as God and our God;3 failing or neglecting to do anything this commandment requires relating to God;4 ignorance of him;5 forgetting him,6 misunderstanding him,7 untrue opinions about him,8 and evil or unworthy thoughts about him;9 irreverent curiosity about and inquiry into his secrets;10 all godless desecration;11 hating God;12 self-love;13 self-interest;14 and all other disorderly or excessive attention, mental, willful, or emotional, to things that divert our attention partially or completely from God.15 Also included are: worthless beliefs,16 lack of

faith;17 heretical beliefs;18 wrong belief;19 not trusting God;20 spiritual despair;21 refusing correction22 and resisting God’s judgment;23 hardness of heart;24 pride;25 willfulness;26 worldly complacency;27 putting God to the test;28 using unlawful means to an end;29 trusting even in lawful means of grace rather than God;30 indulging in pleasures of the flesh;31 depraved, blind, or improperly directed zeal;32 being lukewarm;33 spiritual deadness;34 deserting and forsaking God;35 praying to or worshiping saints, angels, or any other created being;36 making an agreement with,

consulting,37 or following the suggestions of the devil;38 making men the rulers of our faith and conscience;39 slighting and despising God and his commandments;40 resisting and grieving his Spirit;41 and finally being dissatisfied and offended by the things God provides in our lives, ignorantly blaming him for the evils he inflicts on us,42 as well as attributing the credit for any good thing we are, have, or can do to luck ,43 idols,44 ourselves,45 or any other created being.


  1. 106. What do the words, before me, in the first commandment specifically teach?
  2. The words, before me, or “before my face,” in the first commandment teach us that God, who sees everything, takes special note of and is very offended by the sin of having any other god. These words emphasize then how important it is to obey this commandment and how disobeying it insolently provokes God;1 they also urge us to be just as mindful of the fact that God sees everything we do as we are of doing things in his service.2